
What is a scalp facial and does it work?

Aug/24/2020 04:17:52

What is a scalp facial and does it work?

Long, beautiful and seductive hair has a lot do to the health of the body and outside factors. However, what many seem to miss and acknowledge is that healthy hair comes from a healthy scalp too. The clean and healthy scalp plays a major role in the growth of the hair. There are special treatments that work for renewing the scalp, that is very helpful and useful. One of those real-life treatments is the scalp facials.

For those who are unaware of this treatment, the specialists say that you think of them as regular facials. The scalp is skin and such that, it should be considered, treated, and cared for as skin – in the same way, that you take care of your face. This means that the regular facial procedure applies for the scalp too – exfoliation, cleansing, and moisturizing. A clean and healthy scalp is an essential step in growing a healthy, strong, and beautiful hair, as well as making it look shiny and thick.

However, the scalp facials are done at the saloons and not the same that you can do at home. Those at-home treatments include using a hair product, like a peppermint sugar scrub, that can be found in the beauty stores and drugstores. The in-saloon treatments are unique treatments that are designed to cleanse, exfoliate, and rehydrate the scalp which stimulates the growth of healthy and strong hair. The newest approaches in these treatments use vortex technology in which is in fact vacuum technology that creates a vortex effect that can easily dislodge and remove impurities. It also comes connected to a special solution, that is applied topically and then exfoliates the skin and delivers a blend of growth factors and proteins that skin needs for hydration of the deepest layers in the core of the scalp.

The process includes several steps. The first one is cleansing and exfoliation. With the above-mentioned vortex technology, the scalp is being cleaned of all the dirt, oil, and residue and at the same time, the hair follicles are stimulated for better circulation. The second step is the application of the solution. After this, washing the hair thoroughly and with lots of water is very necessary. For long and better results, the maintenance between the treatments is also much suggested. Using a special spray that comes from the same hair care line of products will make the effects more long-term. The treatment should be repeated after 3 months when the hair is already grown.

For those whose question is whether this treatment will make the hair grow faster and longer, the specialists say that secret to the long hair is growing strong and healthy hair. With these treatments, that is exactly what can be achieved. After that, comes the care, and the longevity of the hair, its quality, and eventually growing the desired length. Strong and thick hair can grow a long way!

#Beauty #Skincare
Posted by Anonymouse

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